Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Blog Block

I actually don't feel like I have much to say... something new.

I'm trying to get Preston on the diet bandwagon. Not a big diet, since he works a very physical job. Maybe just enough to drop a few pounds and hold. He's always said that he'd like to get below 200 (he's 6'3" and about 210), but he never does anything about it! Then he bitches when the number on the scale goes up. Let me tell you, from the number of Little Debbie products I've been having to buy of late, it is no wonder. Before Little Debbie he was actually slowly losing weight. *sigh* I'll still be jealous of all the food he gets to eat!

My birthday is coming up this weekend. That's what I want. Food. Lots of it. At restaurants.

Then after that we're talking about doing a month of eating-out deprivation. Both for our wallets and our waistlines. But mostly for our wallets. In a perfect world we wouldn't be spending about $50/week on non-grocery food. Eating out once a week should be enough. We'll see how it goes. We've talked about this several times and never followed through... so this could be a bunch of smoke.

Anyways, Tae Bo Amped Jump Start this morning. Man, that Amp bar thingy really makes a difference in my arms/shoulders. Hopefully will start seeing some results from that soon.

Amber out.

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