Today has been a hella busy day at work. Yay.
But now it has slowed down, so I can blog about random crap. Double yay, and not sarcastic this time.
To the fuzz that did not pull me over this morning when I was going 80 in the fast lane: Thank you. To the guy that was trying to go around everyone by going 85 in the slow lane, thank you for distracting the fuzz from me. Thank you, indeed.
To the old guy in the Dubya04 Avalon who sped up from 70 only when I tried to pass him going 80, then slowed back to 70 when I was shafted, then sped back up to 85 when I tried unsucessfully to pass him again: F^$% You. Seriously. Btw, that damn sticker is 3 years old. And it indicates that you are a moron.
Today is the first week that I'm not going to run at all during the week in several months. I just don't want to risk my shins. So my next run will be the Dad's Day 5K this weekend. Hopefully I don't suck it. My parentals will be there walking it, though, so I could always suck it and walk with them. But I would really really like to run it. *sigh*
I didn't sleep well last night. I woke up pissed off today.
Oh, and that medicine that's supposed to be treating bacterial infections, ummm... is that supposed to make you bleed in uhhhh.... places? Because WTF??? Seriously.
TMI? Ah, then see your way out of my blog.
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