Thursday, February 24, 2011


Dude at work that is expecting TWINS in July just turned me down for a pack of size 1 Pampers because he "rides the bus". 

I used to ride the bus, and I've gotta tell you, I'd find a way!  I'm not offering a gigantic full box, either, just an opened pack that we didn't quite get through before the blowouts got too frequent in the 1s.

Wow.  Guess I'll offer it to the lady at Mom's church that is also expecting twins.

(Not judging... well, maybe judging a little, but I don't understand people who don't accept hand-me-downs, etc for their kids.  I offered another friend some stuff, and told her she could take her pick, and she only took the unopened/unused stuff/clothes.  Seriously, your BABY doesn't know or care that someone else's baby wore it first.  Once.  Before she outgrew it.  Think of how much money you could save!!  Just sayin'.)

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