Thursday, March 3, 2011


February goal review:

1. Core workout every day: Fail.  Big massive fail, actually.  I think I made it 8 days before I gave this one up to the ghost.

Lesson learned: I cannot commit to doing ANYTHING every day right now.  Not even a stupid little 100 crunches.  Sometimes the baby time-suck is just too much and the exhaustion is just too great.

I still need to be working on my core, though.

2.  No ice cream in February.  Fail.  But this one was a technical fail but a resounding success of purpose.  The purpose of this was to un-addict me from my nightly ice cream, and in that respect I was successful.  The technical fail is due to 3 slips: a root beer float when out on a date with Preston, a shake at Jax, and another homemade root beer float last weekend, just because I really wanted one.  I was proud of myself for not beating myself up over these slips: my diet philosophy has always been "anything in moderation", and I often find denying myself something completely leads to an unhealthy fixation.  But hypocritically, I tend to beat myself up when I eat something "bad", so I'm proud of my mental game in February, too.

Informal goals:

"Lots of" workouts - check.
Calorie tracking - fail.
"Finish" C25K - fail but technical success.  I've just skipped finishing it and gone straight to running 3 milers.
Run a race - check.  Piney Woods 5K Trail Run completed!

Goals for March:

1.  Get calorie counts on recipes and start tracking calories again.  I was bad last month.  I think part of my problem is that we started cooking at home a lot, and I don't have those recipes entered into my calorie tracker, and so I just quit bothering.  Time to get that remedied!

2.  Hmm... I still need work on my core.  What if I made 3x per week my goal?  I think I could do that.  And again, the fallback will be 100 crunches.  But preferred would be Cores I, II, and/or III, Ab Ripper X, P90X Core Synergistics.

3.  Do our taxes.

Informally: complete the Warrior Dash and have fun, keep going with P90X and running and "lots" of workouts, keep tracking water intake and try to hit daily goals (100 oz/day) there.

Weight on 2/28 was 140.8.  So officially 2.8 lbs of weight loss in February.  Here's to hoping that March is the month that sees me permanently in the 130's!

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