Thursday, September 30, 2010

Pregnant Sicky Sickerson


I'm sick! 

It started with a sore throat over a week ago, every morning when I woke up.  Assumed it was from all the snoring.  (Yay, preggo sexiness!)

Then on Monday night, it went beyond that.  I kept waking myself up with the snoring.  And Preston kept waking me up to try to stop the snoring (he had earplugs in and a pillow over his head and says he still couldn't sleep from the racket - he finally ended up on the couch).  And before you knew it, I had had the worst pregnant night ever. 

Tuesday I felt really crappy from the moment I woke up.  The sore throat was soooo much worse, and with the lack of sleep, I was just slaughtered.  I ended up going home early from work.  That night, I fell asleep sitting up on the couch.  When I woke up, I asked P if I had been snoring when I was sitting.  He said no, so I decided to sleep on the couch.  I started laying down, but switched to sitting around 2am because my throat was hurting so bad, and I felt like the snoring was exacerbating  the problem.

When I woke up on Wednesday, there was no way I was going to work.  If I wasn't preggo, I'm sure I would have tried to go in: my general rule of thumb is no fever and no involvement below the neck means I go in, but if I can't cut myself some slack now, when will I ever be able to??

I slept off and on all day, hardly getting up from the couch.  I had no appetite at all.  Called the OB, and of course, no Afrin, no Throat Coat tea, nothing but Tylenol and liquids, ugh!

Slept on the couch again last night.  Had like a 30 sneeze sneezing fit in which phlegm ended up in my mouth.  A lot.  Gross.  Didn't even bother trying to lay down: slept sitting the whole time, wrapping pillows around my belly for support.  Even with the house set at 72 degrees, was hot.  Ugh!  (But still no fever.)

Decided to go ahead and come into work, but only for 7 hours today.  I mean, I can be miserable at home, I can be miserable sitting at a computer at work and getting paid for it.  But I must say, it doesn't inspire confidence how many emails were waiting for me after only one day off!

But ugh, still miserable.

Belly check on Friday.  Maybe doc'll help??

(Can the baby come out sick?? I want this kid out, but I don't want to go through labor feeling like this!!!)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Week 37

I'm hungry!!  Cookies n' cream ice cream (Blue Bell, of course) sounds great.  As do warm chocolate chip cookies and a big glass of milk.  Nestle from my own oven will do, but I'm really pining over one from Pei Wei... yummy...

Other symptoms:
Sleeping better sometimes, but still having insomniac nights.  Interestingly, if it isn't an insomniac night, I sleep HARD. Heartburn, but not since Saturday.  Tummy has been a little upset for 2 weeks now.  Nothing awful, but certainly more "activity" than I've seen this entire pregnancy, and I think even more than I'd see on a regular non-preggo day.  I have not changed my eating habits at all in the past 2 weeks, so it isn't that.

Things bugging me:
No.... I am calm, cool, collected, mellow, and trying to keep that BP down.  (Still.  But my house was really really messy this weekend.  And Preston still isn't done with the floors in the loft...)

Current weight: 167.0 (Weight gain seems to have slowed, even though, if anything, I'm eating more insanely than before - I've heard that that can be a sign that she'll come soon!!)

P is still working on the loft. He is under orders to work on it every day after work this week (damnit).

Other stuff:
This weekend unfortunately wasn't as relaxing.  I intended on taking Friday off, but I had jury duty on Thursday.

Seriously, right?  Jury Duty!!  On my full term date!!!  My first time being called for my "civic duty" ever, and they manage to call me when I'm 37 weeks preggo!!  Anyways, I went, got empaneled, ended up being an alternate on a speeding ticket, finally released around 1pm, luckily late enough to not go back to work!

But missing work on Thursday made me freak out a little.  I don't know why, but I just felt like if I missed Friday I might not get the chance to ever go again before the baby.  And I had left a lot of loose ends due to an insane day on Wednesday.

So I worked for just over 6 hours on Friday, then stopped by the store, then fell asleep til Preston got off work.

Saturday I had my doula massage scheduled.  The one that everyone guaranteed would drop the baby.  It was *wonderful*.  Seriously, wonderful.  And it did drop the baby.  I'm thinking if she doesn't come this week, I'd like another...

Then after that we needed to go by Preston's Dad's because there was family in town.  I gave P a lecture beforehand on not keeping me there when I timed out, and I think we made it out in 3ish hours, which wasn't awful.  Then we stopped by Michael's on the way home because I needed to get something framed and after all that we were probably gone from the house over 8 hours.  Not relaxing!!

Then Sunday, we went back to Michael's twice.  Long story short, though, the thing is finally getting framed.  And then to the grocery store.  And somehow then it was afternoon already!

Think I'm going to try to plan another don't leave the house weekend for next weekend if The Kid hasn't arrived yet.  This stuff is just getting to be too much for me.

Next belly check isn't until Friday. :-(  The dropping is encouraging, but I haven't had regular contractions since last week, boo!

One more thing: this morning was beautiful: first morning since April below 70!  I'm not running any longer, but went out for a walk.  This morning is the kind of morning that makes me miss running!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Belly Dream

Last night I dreamt that I was sleeping on my belly.  It was like heaven.

That is all.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

36 and 37 Weeks Pics

36 weeks.
Full term belly - exactly 37 weeks.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Work Pool

They're taking bets at work on when I'll pop this kid out.

They've received guesses ranging from 9/27 (my new best friend) to 10/21 (see if I ever talk to that punk again).

For the record: dr's due date is 10/14, my personal estimated due date is 10/6, based on the doc's opinion, I'll be full term and therefore safe to blast off on 9/23, and they'll let you go up to 2 weeks after your due date, so I could go as late as 10/28.

Also for the record, for some reason, I don't feel like I'll be having The Kid this week. Don't know why, just don't think she's coming yet.

And one more thing: I have my pre-labor massage scheduled with the doula this Saturday. She says that it should really open up my hips and drop The Kid down so stuff will start progressing naturally.

Oh, and last week at my belly check I was 30% effaced, but not dilated at all. We'll see what she says today!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Week 36

I'm hungry!!

Other symptoms:
Tired but can't sleep. Heartburn. Starting 9/20, more contractions.

Things bugging me:
No.... I am calm, cool, collected, mellow, and trying to keep that BP down.

Current weight: 166.8 (Had jumped up to 168.something after I ate everything in sight last weekend, but it went back down, thank goodness!)

P is still working on the loft. The one side is done and sealed and we moved all the crap onto it, so now he's working on the other side. I think he's almost ready to start laying the floors on that side, and I *think* it'll go quickly once he does, so that's cool.

Nursery = DONE!! Done, bitches!! I hemmed the curtains this weekend, and Preston hung them, and that was the last last thing that NEEDED to be done before The Kid makes her entrance. DONE!!!

Other stuff:
We hardly left the house this weekend, and it was everything I thought it could be. :-)

P actually got released from work early on Friday, so we spent the day together. Did the few errands that needed to be done with the goal of not leaving the house again. It felt like such a nice, loooooong day. Then Saturday I told him the curtains were my only goal, so we watched tv all day and figured out my new sewing machine and hemmed and hung curtains. Sunday he worked on the floors. I helped a bit, and folded laundry, and sent him out for food.

We were invited to the Astros game on Saturday, but I refused, and glad I did: they lost 11-1!! More than that, though, I was asleep on the couch before it was over - I can't imagine how miserable I'd have been if I had tried staying awake *at* the game! Good decision. Difficult, but good.

One more thing:
About those contractions... I think they started Monday morning early. Possibly when I was on the bike, or perhaps at work. In the beginning I just thought my pants were too tight (not unreasonable at this point). I kept tugging at them, trying to get them off my belly, etc, but I didn't notice any sort of pattern. At some point I think I might have realized that I was having BH contractions, but I still didn't think anything at all of it. But when I went to lunch at 2, they were hurting bad enough that I would stop eating and pet my belly through them. At some point at lunch I realized I had had waaaaaaay too many contractions in only a 30 minute lunch. So when I got back to my desk, I started timing them.

My notes look like this:
2:40 (?)
2:43 (S??)

HOLY SHIT!! At that point I busted out my app that counts contractions so I could get some better actual times for spacing and duration. Turns out they were coming every 4ish-6ish minutes, lasting 25-40 seconds.

Well, now what? All the websites say to call your doc if you get more than 4 Braxton Hicks contractions per hour. I sure as hell qualified for that. But if these were real contractions, I didn't think they were strong enough or long enough to warrant a call to my doc. Surely nowhere near the 60 second duration that was required...

I finally let the clock make my decision: it was almost 5, and any call I made after that would have to go to the doc on call through the answering service, etc. Easier to just call my own doc before 5. So I called. She said (sort of) what I expected. Lay down, drink water (she really doesn't believe that I drink 100+ oz. per day), call again if they get longer and stronger. She defined stronger as "taking your breath away". Interesting: there were one or two that were that strong, but not all and not consistently. She did move up my appointment from 4pm to 8:15 am, saying she wants to get me on a monitor and figure out what is up.

So.... we'll see. This morning they are coming 5-10 minutes apart, but a little longer: 45 seconds-ish.

Had my belly check this morning. I went in, and they put me on the monitor. The monitor was actually really cool: I could listen to The Kid's heartbeat, I was supposed to push this button every time she moved, and the machine would watch for contractions. Well, I didn't have one for the longest time, and I was afraid that I was going to look like an idiot. Then I got this huge pressure like she was pushing up at me, and I started clicking the button until I looked over and saw it graphing a contraction, and I realized it wasn't The Kid, it was really a contraction! I felt really vindicated... the whole monitor experience was really relaxing and cool.

When the doc came in after 20 minutes she said, "Well, the baby looks good, and you're really having contractions!" Yay!!

Then I went for my internal exam. I'm 1 cm dilated, 60% effaced, The Kid dropped a bit, but is still really high. Probably like a -4 station.

BP was still high - diastolic around 90... but no other factors for preeclampsia, so still just a wait-and-see.

Overall, really really excited that I've progressed so far! Let's get this show on the road!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Coming Home Outfits

I don't know why, but I've been really freaked out about what to bring The Kid home from the hospital in. Some of my friends, and some of the message boards, make a big deal about the coming home "outfit". And then others don't give a flip, and my mom can't remember what I was wearing when I came home.

Also, how do you pick something out when you don't know how big the baby will be??? What if you actually spend money on the thing, and it doesn't fit her??


This has really been a serious mental block for me. But I've finally addressed it (I think).

Here is what I'm bringing to the hospital to choose from. All of these already existed in our house as gifts or hand-me-downs. Each one is a slightly different size/style, so I can adjust as needed (or just let her needs dictate the whole decision!). Oh! Also, she'll be coming home in October in Texas!! It could be anywhere from 30 degrees to 100 degrees. How does a preggo plan for that??? Options, baby. It's all about the options. (We'll get The Kid started on overpacking before she ever enters this world! Yeah! Daddy is screwed! Haha!)

Outfit the first: "Daddy's little pumpkin" onesie. This one was a gift from Justina, is totally precious, long-sleeved in case it is cold, and NOT PINK! It is the biggest of the lot.

Outfit the second: Kitten long-sleeved onesie, hand-me-down, I think from Justina, smaller than pumpkin onesie, long sleeved in case it is cold, and of course, appropriate because we love us some kitties.

Outfit the third: teeny tiny brown flower onesie, hand-me-down from Christine, smallest of the lot (I know that kids come out this small, but it is hard to believe sometimes that the alien inside of me making this much of a ruckus could be small enough to fit into this onesie...), short sleeved in case it is hot, mostly not pink in case of red hair. :-)

Outfit the fourth: Hand-me-down "baby" top from Christine, tiny little jeans that were a gift from J-ma (formerly known to this blog as JaMIL). I think this outfit is hilarious - I keep joking that we'll need to label the baby because we don't know what the hell we are doing... also, I've read that two-piece outfits can be really good in the first few weeks when the cord is healing, plus this one is slightly larger than the short-sleeved onesie, so I have 2 hot weather options.

I could also stick these jeans over any of the onesies if we were worried about cold legs...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

My Own Damn Cake

Yesterday at work they busted out the leftover cake from the party I missed on Tuesday.

Now, you know I've been craving cake this whole pregnancy. I even dreamed about it. Can't remember if I blogged it at the time, but I had this dream I went to the supermarket and I was just standing at the cake counter ogling and smelling the cakes. Yuuuuuum, cake...

Anyways, for my own showers, I got a piece of my cake right before it was gone at the work shower, and as for the home shower, the cake was amazing, but I think the bakery put a pinch of cinnamon in the chocolate for the most amazing taste and the most INSANE heartburn... so even though I ate 2 pieces at the shower and brought 4 more home, I can't eat those 4 unless I want even less sleep than I currently get. Not cool.

I was really looking forward to a bite of cake at this party.

I even snuck into the back room and sniffed it before I went to the doc.

So anyways, just before lunch yesterday I'm sitting in my office and I hear them breaking out the cake. I figure someone'll come by and let me know it is out and offer me some since I missed the party. Wrong. I wait a few minutes, then wander out on my way to the bathroom, looking for the cake the whole time. I don't see it anywhere! I figure maybe I was just having some kind of cake delusion and sadly go back to my office. Then I hear some being offered to the volunteer!! WTF??? It must be out there somewhere. I go the the bathroom again and also check the back room. STILL NO CAKE. It was like torture!! Knowing there was cake out there, smelling it, and not eating it, UGH!!!

I got all pissy and went home and made my own damn cake. And I got to lick the bowl. And it didn't give me heartburn and I was able to drink milk with it and I bet it was better than their fancy store-bought cake. So there. :-Þ

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

More Excitement Yesterday

So after my doctor's office opened yesterday, I put in a call because my dizziness was persisting, and coupled with Monday's contractions, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't being an idiot by being at work...

The lady took down all my info, asked me to hold while she went to talk to the nurse, then came back and asked if I could come in *right now*. Ummm... yes? Am I coming back to work? Is this an emergency? Should I be freaking out???

I went in.

Turns out that dizziness is a common symptom of high blood pressure, which is a medical emergency when you're preggers.

My blood pressure was higher than my "preggo-normal", and generally on the high side, but I had no additional symptoms: no protein in the urine, no vision problems, etc.

The Kid's heart rate was a little high (170's). My doc looked at me and said, "If this doesn't go down, I'm going to have to put you on a monitor." I took a few deep breaths, mentally took hold of myself, and you could actually *hear* The Kid's HR come down into the proper range. Mind over matter. Apparently mind over 2 people's matter works too...

Anyways, doc sent me home for the rest of the day telling me to relax. If my BP or The Kid's HR are high at my belly check next Tuesday, then she's going to talk about bedrest. Me no want bedrest. I'll be a good girl, I promise!

On the good side, I only gained 6 oz. since my last appt, I was 30% effaced (we're on the way, Kid!!), but not dilated.

I'm going to take Friday off and closet myself in the house this weekend and rest. No bedrest for Ber.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Braxton Hicks???

So yesterday I had "cramping" low in my bump, centered, pretty much all day. I didn't really feel like it was anything time-able, but I also wasn't completely sure. I seem to be a very visual person with this pregnancy - I wasn't sure I was feeling kicking until I saw it on the sonogram, even though I had been feeling it for a month! Well, I wasn't sure I was having contractions until I finally got home and was able to unabashedly stare at my belly and watch it tense itself up into a tight little ball. Then I knew. That's also what it took for me to be able to understand the timing. I could see the thing coming and going, and I could mentally coordinate it with how I felt. So we started counting.

They say the magic point at which to call your doc is more than 4 per hour. I was pretty borderline, I've gotta admit. I reckon for awhile there I was having closer to 5 per hour. But I didn't call. I have a belly check this afternoon, and other than the dizziness, I have no other symptoms.

They weren't completely compliant with the definition of BH, in other ways, too, though. They were lasting about 60 seconds, were fairly regular, did not lessen with changes in position/activity, and they were uncomfortable. Not painful, but not comfortable.

But I went to bed, and they seem to be gone (so far) this morning... but the dizziness remains.

I'm thinking I may call my doc when they open...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Week 35


Other symptoms:
Tired but can't sleep. Heartburn. And today, dizziness, headache, and what I think may be Braxton Hicks contractions.

Things bugging me:
OMG, there is so little time left!!

Current weight: 166.4

P is still working on the loft. Think/hope he's almost done with the hard bits (that require lots of cutting).

I managed to get most of the remaining stuff in the nursery put away, and that makes me feel (a bit) better.

Other stuff:
Had to go to the Y on Friday to get my locker assigned in the new facility, but they wouldn't let us leave our stuff there, so I had to lug all my crap home. Preggo walking just under a mile in downtown at lunch lugging crap = NOT pleased. I also swam first, and for the first time ever I had someone refuse to share a lane. NOT cool.

Then there is someone retiring at work, so I ran around trying to get gifts, etc on Friday. NOT relaxing.

Then on Saturday got a haircut, went to AD's, ran some errands. NOT peaceful.

Then on Sunday we had to do our final childbirth class (the one so that I can have the doula). NOT restful.

I'm freaking exhausted and it is only Monday. I got in to work this morning and found out one of my favorite people quit on Friday with no notice. And I cried. At work. Stupid hormones.

Friday, September 10, 2010

On the DNS

This is a comment that I wrote in response to this post over at Steve in a Speedo's blog. Steve's blogs is one of my favorites to read, and he almost always offers great uplifting advice, but I didn't quite agree with this one, and couldn't keep my mouth shut!

I know I'm really late commenting here (really behind in my blog reading!) but I just have to say something about your heirarchy of DFL better than DNF better than DNS.

Sometimes shit happens and a DNS is still the right decision.

I DNS'd 3 races this season. I've never DNF'd or DFL'd, and this was my first experience with the DNS. I'd like to tell you what happened:

I had a whole season of winter half marathons planned. I was really excited about it. I signed up for everything months in advance hoping to save money. I have no history of injury. My hope was to get faster through better experience at the distance. I was fully trained, coming off a 10 mile PR, and ready to go when I hurt my right knee on an 11 mile training run. I started and finished my next 3 races on the hurt knee over a period of 3 months with the knee never getting better (arguably getting worse every time I raced), despite the appointment with the orthopedic doc, the PT, and the meds he prescribed.

Then I found out I was pregnant.

Maybe I would have gone ahead and started those last 3 races if that hadn't happened. I'm not sure we'll ever know the answer to that. But I do know that once I was no longer just stubbornly hurting my own body, but potentially impacting someone else's, it just seemed like I was being an idiot.

This ended up being a blessing in disguise. I read one of your posts about ART, and I found a doc in my area that practices it. Under his guidance, I have been able to run/walk through week 34 of pregnancy pain free, and will probably be able to come back from the injury completely post-partum. But would that be the case if I hadn't made the decision to DNS?

Don't get me wrong. DNSing sucks. Big time. I beat myself up mentally for it. But sometimes shit happens, and sometimes it happens for the better, even if you can't see it right then.

I know that the reason you say DNSing is worse than DNF or DFL is because the DNSer didn't even get out there - didn't even try. But there is a place for the DNS too, and it is worth noting that probably most people who DNS aren't doing it lightly, and deserve the support of the community as much as the others who didn't make it to the finish line.

Thanks for listening!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

On Cussing

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Week 34

Cookies 'n' cream milkshakes (from Chick-fil-a). Sweet potato fries (from Jax).

Other symptoms:
Tired but can't sleep. Heartburn. Little snippy yesterday - major over-reactions to minor annoying stimuli. Pelvis hurts. Like, HURTS. Like in the bones. Like they are trying to stretch. Only problem? THEY ARE BONES: they don't stretch!!!

Things bugging me:
My mother.

Current weight: 165.2. Yeah, you read that right.

Preston finished laying flooring between the guest room and the office. Now he's ripped up about half the carpet in the loft (shifting all the crap to one side, gonna do the floors, seal them, then shift to the other side). It is much easier/faster when you're not gonna scrape a ceiling, but I still doubt we finish any time soon. Good news is that the office is tiny, and it'll be the last thing we tackle, so maybe it'll see fast.

Other stuff:
Had a "family" shower this Saturday, and it was quite nice. I got all my thank yous written, and a lot of the stuff put away = good.

Mom brought in a ton of stuff from a family member in the DFW area and I don't know what to do with it all! Stressing a little because the once-clean nursery looks dirty. And I feel the need for it to be super-organized.

Mom did pick out the curtains, and I have 3 panels, but need 4. Will keep eyes open at Target for the last one. I am, unfortunately, going to have to hem them.

I think last week's pit-bull incident C25K was probably my last run of this pregnancy. And that makes me sad.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Weeks 32 and 33 Pics

Don't have a 32 week pic, but this is early early 33 weeks, so it'll have to do! (Looks strangely small...)
33 weeks. (This one looks strangely huge. Oh well...)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Planning Post-Baby Running

One of the things that is comforting and exciting me through the weight gain is planning my 2011 post-baby running/racing.

The only problem is: I don't really know what I'm going to be up for, and when!!

I've tried doing some research on when I'll be able to start exercising again, when to start running again, and then factor in my own experiences from there on how long it takes me to get going how far, etc. But essentially, I know nothing.

So, of course, I have a plan all blocked out, but which can be relatively easily modified.

I've gone for the positive spin: starting C25K with Week 1 only 2 weeks after my due date. Now, I know that this very probably won't be possible, but why not try (for once in my life!) to plan for the best scenario?? If I was to be able to start back 2 weeks after my due date, I'd finish C25K 5 weeks before my planned comeback 5K, which is the EP5K on January 30, 2011. I think this one is perfect for a comeback since it is the only 5K in town that I know of that gives medals, and I'll certainly deserve one! (Plus I'm a medal whore.)

So, in the event that I can't start back 2 weeks after, pushing to 3, 4, 5, or 6 weeks after would still have me ready for the 5K in time. And most sources agree that you should really be pretty good to go at 6 weeks, if you have a normal birth.

As soon as I finish C25K, I'll move on to One Hour Runner, following my tried-and-true formula for slowly building up time/mileage/stamina. And I'll keep racing from 5K-10K distances all spring. And I thought I might try to train for the CB&I in early May again, too...

In fact, there is a part of me that would like to stick with the shorter distances all year... but another part of me would really like to do a half-marathon next winter... I'll really need to see how the knee comes back, whether I'm able to block out enough time to run with the baby, etc...

It would be really cool to do the 10 miler in October, then a half in November or December... ooooo, or to run the Big Bend Ultra 25K ("only" 15.5 miles) in January...

But if all the long stuff doesn't work out, I can have fun doing short stuff too. I'd like to get faster. Before I started going long, I was *almost* placing in my age group, especially in smaller races. It'd be fun to give that a shot too!

With all that said, I'm trying not to look too far into the future. Short distances, at least until Spring is over, so here is my proposed schedule: EP 5K in January, Bayou City Classic 10K, Mardi Gras Beach Run 5K, Eikenburg Law Week 8K in March, Bellaire Trolley Run 5K in April, and potentially the North Texas Warrior Dash (which I missed this year due to pregnancy), also in April, and the CB&I Triathlon early May. Those last 2 are the 2 I'm most uncertain about... not sure if I'll want to divide my focus from running onto tri so soon into my "comeback", and not sure my family'll (omg, we're gonna be a "family"!) be up for a trip to Dallas in April!

It is difficult trying to plan with so much uncertainty in the picture, but at the same time, I think it is good for me mentally to get excited about regaining an aspect of my life that is so important to me, even if it is just in a small way.