Sunday, September 19, 2010

Coming Home Outfits

I don't know why, but I've been really freaked out about what to bring The Kid home from the hospital in. Some of my friends, and some of the message boards, make a big deal about the coming home "outfit". And then others don't give a flip, and my mom can't remember what I was wearing when I came home.

Also, how do you pick something out when you don't know how big the baby will be??? What if you actually spend money on the thing, and it doesn't fit her??


This has really been a serious mental block for me. But I've finally addressed it (I think).

Here is what I'm bringing to the hospital to choose from. All of these already existed in our house as gifts or hand-me-downs. Each one is a slightly different size/style, so I can adjust as needed (or just let her needs dictate the whole decision!). Oh! Also, she'll be coming home in October in Texas!! It could be anywhere from 30 degrees to 100 degrees. How does a preggo plan for that??? Options, baby. It's all about the options. (We'll get The Kid started on overpacking before she ever enters this world! Yeah! Daddy is screwed! Haha!)

Outfit the first: "Daddy's little pumpkin" onesie. This one was a gift from Justina, is totally precious, long-sleeved in case it is cold, and NOT PINK! It is the biggest of the lot.

Outfit the second: Kitten long-sleeved onesie, hand-me-down, I think from Justina, smaller than pumpkin onesie, long sleeved in case it is cold, and of course, appropriate because we love us some kitties.

Outfit the third: teeny tiny brown flower onesie, hand-me-down from Christine, smallest of the lot (I know that kids come out this small, but it is hard to believe sometimes that the alien inside of me making this much of a ruckus could be small enough to fit into this onesie...), short sleeved in case it is hot, mostly not pink in case of red hair. :-)

Outfit the fourth: Hand-me-down "baby" top from Christine, tiny little jeans that were a gift from J-ma (formerly known to this blog as JaMIL). I think this outfit is hilarious - I keep joking that we'll need to label the baby because we don't know what the hell we are doing... also, I've read that two-piece outfits can be really good in the first few weeks when the cord is healing, plus this one is slightly larger than the short-sleeved onesie, so I have 2 hot weather options.

I could also stick these jeans over any of the onesies if we were worried about cold legs...

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