Monday, June 20, 2011

More Sicky Sickerson

This is getting ridiculous!

On Thursday I woke up with a sore throat and bad headache and bagged my workout.  Boo.  I never ran a fever, but my throat got progressively more and more sore through Saturday.  I tried to be good all weekend, napping every day and staying close to home.  Yesterday I saw slight improvement, and today a bit more.  In the throat area, that is.  I aslo have a nagging, hacking, dry cough that came along with the throat, and that seems to be sticking around.  I bagged my run this morning in favor of an indoor stationary bike ride, thinking that that might tax the respiratory system a little less, and once again, ease me back into things.

I wonder at what point it'll stop being "back into things" and just become "into things"?

Screw it all, but I'm going for a run tomorrow morning!

(Oh, the good thing this morning?  I biked in a pair of my old running shorts, AND THEY FIT!!!  I think they were the last holdouts, yay!)

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