Friday, January 29, 2016


Heh, I should have made getting the aquarium set up a 2016 goal, because honestly I thought it was a 2015 goal that I didn't get done.  I looked back and it turns out it wasn't, but it has still been something that has lurked around in my mind for a LONG TIME.

On the free Sunday after the company, we FINALLY set up the aquarium.  There have been all kinds of hurdles with throwing away the rotting out plastic bits when we moved and then not being able to find the right size to replace.  Then I think there was laziness.  And stuff.

But I finally convinced Preston that we should just try with what we had, and what do you know, it worked!  Then we filled the sucker up with water and he got the new pump (that we bought last year but never tried out) going and it is FABULOUS.  Totally silent.  He isn't even going to hate having an aquarium this time because that sucker is so quiet!

So, this weekend, folks, this weekend I'm gonna buy me some fishies!

I have thought long on what kind of tank I want, and I may use this space to try to figure some things out.  I've had great success in the past with a sort of gourami heavy tank with silver dollars.  Gouramis are fun to watch with their weird bottom-whiskers, as are silver dollars with their flashy swimming, and I've traditionally been able to keep them alive and happy for years.  I've had bad luck with barbs and bala sharks.  But I've never had a tank this big (75 gallons).  And I've always wanted to try cichlids.  Sooo... probably cichlids.  I know the first thing I need to do is figure out whether I want African or South American.  I was originally leaning towards African but have circled back around to South American, go figure!  We'll see...

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