Friday, April 23, 2010

14 Weeks

Posting this 2 days late, but I was in Chicago, whatareyagonnado?

Not really. Except french fries. And them only when I'm thinking about them.

Still some types of chocolate, and still not wanting to eat all the time.

Other symptoms:
Tired and a bit moody.

Things bugging me:
And, P turned into a friggin' caveman while I was gone. He did NOTHING that I asked him to do. And I am very annoyed. Oh, and he called me fat. Idiot.

Current weight: 135

Had some trouble with food in Chicago, I think because of all the eating out. I mean, when I'm not preggers and on a work trip, I am usually sick of eating out by the time I get home, this time all that was just magnified. By Wednesday lunch, I just couldn't make myself eat, so I skipped it, and that seemed to restore some balance for me.

Have had 4 devastatingly bad headaches this week. I wake up with them, have to take Tylenol for them, which sort of helps but doesn't solve. Not a fan of these headaches - hope they are a phase that will be over soon.

Non-preggo stuff:
Was in Chicago all week for work. Knee bothered me on Wednesday just from walking. What bothers me most is that I didn't think I was walking too much, and it pisses me off that the knee is still such a limiter.

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