Well, I've been wanting to start a new blog since the new year when I started changing my lifestyle, but while the lifestyle-changing is going well, I managed to never get around to recording it, at least not online.
A quick bit of background on me, for those who won't know: I'm a mid-20's librarian living in Texas. I'm getting married in July. Just bought a home last year and along with my fiancee and 4 cats am struggling to adjust to "adult life". I've been at my job for almost 2 years now, and since I started working, I've started struggling with keeping weight off. I had gained 15 pounds in my first 6 months of work, and spent the next year unsuccessfully trying to lost it in a classic on-the-wagon/off-the-waggon style. I did, however, manage to hold it where it was. This year I resolved to change. I began on January 1 with the goal of exercising at least 20 minutes every day for 21 days, using Yoga when I needed an off day. It worked! 33 days and 6 pounds later, I took my first day off.
Now I must say that I haven't been without struggles. I wanted to exercise with the goal of running because running is the most difficult form of exercise for me, and therefore in my opinion the most beneficial, but even though I started slow and in a method that has worked for me in the past, I got shin splints. I kept up exercising using Tae Bo videos and my stationary bike, but it was really frustrating because I wanted to be working on running as well. I finally took 2 weeks off from running, got a new pair of professionally fitted running shoes, and tried a number of stretching/strengthening exercises. Then I decided I'd try the Couch to 5K running program, available here: http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml. I ran the first few weeks still feeling my shins tweaking, but icing them down when I got home, and finally on March 2 I ran without any pain from my shins, YAY!!
I was almost instantly frustrated in my efforts, however, because my future mother-in-law managed to give Preston (fiancee) and I the flu. So only 3 runs after my shin splints disappeared, I was totally out of commission for 9 days. I followed that up with 4 days of Yoga only. I finally was able to begin exercising this past Thursday, and I am thrilled to report no shin splints!! My new problem is an angry right rib/oblique (not sure which). I angered it by coughing, and further angered it by coughing more, and made it even madder by accidentally thinking a TV show was hilarious and laughing. It is bothering me both when I run and also when I Tae Bo. I'm exercising through it, but trying to modify to reduce pain. I'm also taking ibuprofen and spending time with a heating pad.
So, with everyone all up to date, welcome to my blog!
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