Friday, January 13, 2012

12 in 2012: Book 1 Down!

Completed Infinity Blade: Awakening by Brandon Sanderson this week.  On my Christmas Kindle, which I love, love, love!!

The novel was good.  I like Sanderson's writing.  I discovered him when he took over Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series.  I read his stuff to make sure I "approved" of them selecting him to complete the series that I loved so much (like I had a say, ha!), and I like him well enough that I've now read everything he's written except the two newest, which I just bought for my Kindle, so soon EVERYTHING he's written.

This was just a fun, short little novel based on a game.  Interesting enough that I'm curious about the game now.  And that I wish he could have carried the story further (but I'm guessing that's what the game does).  Fun read.  Beach-type read, for me, but I wanted to start off with fun stuff.  If only 12+ books a year is your goal, it either needs to be really fun, really interesting, or really useful stuff!

Moving on now to an Anne McCaffrey Pern novel that I somehow haven't read before.  Checked it out (on my Kindle) from the library, boo yah!

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