Tuesday, October 2, 2012

September Book Reviews

The Last Policeman by Ben Winters - What would you do if you only had 6 months to live?  What would society do if everyone only had 6 months to live?  The story of a policeman who chooses to keep investigating as an asteroid hurtles towards Earth.  Good book, the twist made it interesting!

The Bartender's Tale by Ivan Doig - I wish I could explain this, I just keep thinking about this book.  Not a lot actually happens in the book.  Like, at all.  But it is a GOOD book.  Very good.  Kind of a slow read, but not in a bad way.  Actually in a really good way.  Rich in historical detail.  Rich in everything, really.  I'm not *excited* about this book the way I was about... say.... Redshirts.  But this is a really good book.  Highly recommended.

The Country of the Bad Wolfes by James Carlos Blake - I really enjoyed this book.  It was a multi-generational story of a family that involved a huge cast of characters, but magically I still managed to care about the characters and their storylines, which I think shows a master manipulation by Mr. Blake.  Great read, highly recommended.

Prepare to Die by Peter Toban - Ha, this was actually a fun book.  I think the audience is realllllllly specific.  You have to be a comic book nerd, or at least open to that sort of thing.  I also think that the conversational style of the book, while purposeful (I believe) on Toban's part, will make it not appeal to everyone.  And if Goodreads is any indication, not all of the ladies are liking this book; to be fair, the narrator... objectifies women.  But the plot was fast-paced, I thought the story was engrossing, and I had a great time reading it.

Angelmaker by Nick Harkaway - started and having an incredibly difficult time with this one.  It might get abandoned in October.

Libriomancer by Jim C. Hines - about halfway through this one and loving it!  Full review next month.

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