Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Little Fall

Last Friday I was headed out to my car in a dark garage (light burned out) with Zoë on my hip when I tripped (I think?) and fell.

It was literally the most terrifying thing that has happened to me since I fell when pregnant.

I landed on both knees, my right hand, and my left elbow.  I looked down into Zoë's face and she was laying on the concrete.  We just looked at each other for a second, and then her little face crumpled and she started crying.  Not wailing, like she normally does when hurt, but a scared crying.  And then I started crying.  I apologized over and over as I got up and very painfully made my way back into the house.  I wasn't sure if she had hit her head.  By the time I was on the phone with Preston I was panicking so badly that I could barely speak.  Zoë actually calmed down very quickly, perhaps in response to me extreme reaction?  Preston calmed me down, and after a few more minutes of mutual cuddly comfort with the Z, I cleaned myself up (I tore my jeans!), and we headed to daycare.

Where I had to tell Miss Mary what happened in case Zoë started acting funny, and I cried again while telling her!

Long story short: Z is fine.

Behold the physical carnage:

Golfball ankle.
This actually looks worse now with a nice big scab.
Ditto this with its scab, and it hurt way worse than this photo looks!
Elbow bruised so badly it hurts to put it on my armrest at work.
5 days later and the ankle is still tweaky, there is a giant bruise on the non-scabbed knee, and scabs all over the place.  And the mental scarring is worse than everything else!  (At least the baby is ok.)

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