You've been warned.
On WF#4:
Noting my mistake last week, I was careful not to go out too hard at the start of the 5 miler. I was assisted by a healthy dose of fear: this would be my longest run since Hell (read: Summer) arrived in Houston. But, damn, it is HARD to watch a group of people (Yellows) who are supposed to be running the same approximate speed as you (9-10 min/mi) haul ass away running 8's when you are holding a solid 9:30. I had to work really really hard to subdue my ego, keep my adrenaline in check, and hold on to my nice steady pace. I succeeded, but ugh!!
Also, being at the back of the group really blows, because there is no one in sight, so if you aren't familiar with the route, you are screwed. Not only do I not live in THE Woodlands, I also am terrible with directions, so double strike. Add that to the fact that the route instructions they gave us had an incorrect street name on it, and yes, I did, in fact, miss a turn. Or two. And folks, let me tell you, that fucking pisses me off. At this point, I'm really not sure why I paid money for this level of suck.
And finally, one last bitch about WF. I was running along, and these 3 ladies passed me, talking loudly about coupons. At the water stop, I kept running while they stopped and walked. One was walking slower than the others, and I passed her. Right after I passed her, she started running again. I was catching up to her friends, so had moved to the right to pass. This woman ran around me on the right, pulled over right in front of me (we're talking less than 2 feet before I made the pass), and then stopped running and started walking with the friends. Needless to say, she came within about a centimeter of being full-on rear-ended by me, and I was PISSED at the SERIOUS evasive action I had to take. That's just FUCKING RUDE. If you're going to run with a group, at least learn to not do shit like that.
I swear I'm still trying to maintain an open mind about WF. I really am. But with each passing week it gets a bit more difficult...
On Biking:
I've been biking almost entirely on the trainer for the past few months. It makes it easier (read: quicker) to get rides in before work when you don't have to gear up and down and stop at stop signs, etc. I also thought after CB&I that I really needed to practice pedaling straight with breaks of the stop sign ilk to make myself more sucessful in a tri situation.
But here's my beef. I bought a really cool trainer. I thought. The one the LBS recommended. In the beginning all was well. However, a few weeks ago, the unit started heating up, taking some of my rear tire with it, and squealing/squeaking loudly. To avoid this and slipage, I had to increase the resistance, but now no matter how hard I try, I'm stuck in the easest 3 gears of my middle chain ring, struggling to make 10 miles per hour. Now, I know that I'm no great cyclist. I know I'm not even good. But I can *certainly* ride faster than that, even on my worst day, and even on my trainer.
I keep telling myself that this is good - when I get back on the road it will feel so easy, but honestly, I think it is bad for my confidence...
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