Goals for the Year:
Lose 12 pounds in 2012. Weight on 1/1 was
138.8. Weight on 10/1 was 133.2. Weight on 11/1 was 133.2. Steady is good, but not where I want to be.
Read at least 12 books (other than to my child) in 2012. Still having trouble ditching my romance novel kick. Only 2 "required" books read, probably at least 20 "fluffy" books read. We'll call that a good guesstimate to get my total to 91. Sheesh!
12 times in 2012. 4 races this month! 4!!!! In 3 weekends!
And I have one other secret 12 goal. Heh, I've actually lost count, oh yeah! But I'd say at least, AT LEAST 15. Making my current total 39. I cannot accurately communicate how pleased I am with my progress on this one.
Goals for October:
Continued progress towards 2012 goals.
Throw a successful beach birthday party for my (OMG) precocious 2 year old (OMG). Done.
Keep up the consistency on the run, building to 10 mile long runs. Done!
Complete 3 (!!) scheduled races. 4. Bitches. :-)
Continue with the core work and other "fun" working out the rest of the time. Totally dropped the core. Enjoying myself very much reading fluff while trainer-biking, though. So half-check.
Financial goal: liquidate SMH account and reallocate to J. Fail.
House goals: finish cleaning out AD house, make progress towards floors in my house. Great, excellent progress on AD's house, though we didn't completely finish. And we finally got a quote on my house!
Goals for November:
Continued progress towards 2012 goals.
Keep up the consistency on the run!
Complete 1, maybe 2 scheduled races.
Start core work again.
Start reading for my committee again. I don't have to stop with the fluff, but I need to find a better balance. Quickly. Let's say... at least 4 books completed for the committee. At least.
Financial goals: liquidate SMH and reallocate to J. Get direct deposit for N.
House goals: get another quote on the floors, pick a company, and get started! Finish cleaning out AD's house AND get the maids in there AND get a quote on the work we need done there.
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