Monday, July 2, 2012

Monthly Goal Review

Goals for the Year:
Lose 12 pounds in 2012.  Weight on 1/1 was 138.8.  Weight on 6/1 was 133.2.  Weight on 7/1 was 132.6.  Yeah, baby!
Read at least 12 books (other than to my child) in 2012.  12(!!!!) books read in June.  Seriously.  I rock.
Race 12 times in 2012. None this month. Holding at 1.  But registered for a 5K on the 4th, and WILL BE THERE.
And I have one other secret 12 goal. 3 more to add, making it 10.

Goals for June:
Continued progress towards 2012 goals.  3/4 check.
Food - clean it back up before the July blow-out that will be Paris.  Pretty successful here.
Consistency on the run. Swim once a week, and bike outside, wrapped up in Another Mother Runner Challenge - before the July blow-out that will be Paris.  Got in lots of swimming, though I did skip a week.  Biked outside and on the trainer for much longer stretches.  Ran more at the beginning and end of the month.  Good progress, all in all.  Completed the challenge!
Race this month.  This will be the last fail of the year.
Financial goals: Liquidate 2 accounts with 2 firms and reallocate to existing accounts. Undone. Liquidate one of AD's accounts and reallocate to existing account. Done.  And get this: P got direct deposit AND requested the form to set up additional voluntary contributions to his retirement account!

Also, we checked off a goal that has been so long in the wings that I stopped even mentioning it - we got new doors this past Friday!  This is so exciting!  Pictures soon.

Goals for July:
Now here's the thing: in July, there are 22 workable days (weekdays).  I will be working on exactly 7 of them, and 2 of those will for a conference, so, well... those are fun days.  I desperately need this time off, but with time off, for me, usually comes travel and often a more difficult time keeping up with my exercise and diet.  And that has to be ok for me.  BUT I don't want to lose all my fitness, given that I'm registered for the Bridgeland Triathlon on (shudder) August 5th.  So the goal for July is to relax, enjoy my trip(s), and eat the yummy food when I want to.  But not lose tri fitness.  Simple.

Also in my perfect world:
Financial goals: liquidate SMH acct and reallocate to J.  Contribute to Z's college plan.  Contribute to P's IRA.  Keep pushing P to push lawyer to finish out remaining AD business (there is one undone thing that is a BIG DEAL for us).
House goals: get AD's house clean(er), order new floors for my house OR get an estimate from a contractor or 3.  Wouldn't it be awesome if the work could get done while we were on vacation??

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