Tuesday, November 18, 2008

C25K Redux

I've recently had the opportunity to recommend Couch to 5K, (and an associated podcast that makes it super easy to follow) to a few friends and acquaintances. I try not to prosthelesize unless asked for advice, but once I'm asked, I can go on for hours because I feel so strongly about the program and its potential for positive impact in ANY non-runner's life.

So an old friend has started the program (he's on Week 2 now!), but is experiencing shin splints, so we talked for almost an hour last night (the short answer - I'm sending him to Luke's for new shoes).

Near the end of the conversation he said something better than I think I ever could. He said:

You know, it just seems like when you do something positive for yourself in one area of your life, you begin to want to do more positive things in the rest of your life.

Amen, Tyler!!

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