Saturday, May 23, 2015

Scheduling Conundrum

New work maintains a "summer schedule" in which the building opens at 7am.  I prefer to start at 6.  If I show up at 6 and sit around and wait, I can usually get in and get started earlier, but exactly WHEN is never clear.

My other option is coming on in and going to the gym at 6 and coming over to work at 7.  I experimented with that last week and the beginning of this week, but that isn't perfect either.

Pros for Gym first:
  • Get to sleep 40 minutes later.
  • Get to run on dirt or bike on track or swim in morning = WAY NICER.

Cons for Gym first:
  • I seem to have a harder time cooling down and end up at work massively hot, and when I finally cool down I end up shivering.
  • I don't have a locker yet at the gym so there is a lot of schlepping.  On Wednesday I forgot to bring PANTS.  Which led to an hour drive home for pants, followed by an hour drive back, followed by a ruining of my entire day because how can you overcome that?  PANTS, y'all.
  • The pool is way more crowded in the morning.  I know I could swim on Wednesday, but the other days are iffy.
  • Weather.  Pretty much everything I do is outside.  Bad weather, which has been a lot lately, is an issue.
  • If I don't get off til 3:30 at the earliest, traffic on the way home has already reached the sucky point.
  • Can't carpool.

Pros for Work first:
  • Get to use my own fabulous shower.
  • Get off at 2:30 when traffic is good.
  • Get to carpool more, saving money.
  • There is always P90X for rainy mornings.

Cons for Work first:
  • Running on concrete, biking on trainer or around neighborhood.
  • Harder to get out of bed.
  • Struggling to figure out carpool/afternoon swim balance.
  • I HATE not knowing exactly when I'm getting into the building.  HATE IT.

This is actually really fascinating because this really makes it look like I should do work first.  I didn't expect that, and still honestly feel conflicted about it.  I am going to see how it goes for the next few weeks because I have some stuff coming up, then will go from there.

Either way if I can't get a locker I suppose I need to plant a full set of clothing both in my car and in my desk for the just-in-case.  Sigh.

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